
Review: Flyleaf-Seether at House of Blues

By Joshua Longobardy

The foremost thing you notice about Seether when watching them live is just how big of a presence the South African band has onstage—due to, for the most part, frontman Shaun Morgan. In person he is a big man with a big voice, and lets loose of some very big lyrics during the grunge band’s better songs.

Last Saturday night in Las Vegas that bigness was also the first thing you noticed, on account of the band that preceded Seether on stage at the House of Blues. Flyleaf, with its lead singer, Lacey Mosley, who by contrast stands 4-foot-10, brings a much smaller presence.

Under the stagelight Mosley possesses the qualities of a maltipoo—short, convenient and unimposing—and yet it is because of her small stature that Flyleaf’s alternative metal sound strikes with great resonance. And the truth is, she stole the show.

By the time she broke into Flyleaf’s most popular radio hit, “Fully Alive,” there was no room left in the House of Blues to move, and the enthusiasm with which Flyleaf’s fans sang along left the entire venue breathless.   

In this same vein, Mosley’s bandmates were as restive and acrobatic as ever, jumping and head-banging all around the stage, and by the time they were set to descend into the landing of their final two songs, the crowd was prime for a rest. So much so that there was neither sigh nor grumble among the rock crowd when Mosley took the length of a Flyleaf song to testify to the gospel of Jesus Christ.file:///Users/john.kats/Desktop/07_IMG_5579.jpg

It was a good set. So good, in fact, that many in the crowd took off afterward, and never paid any notice to the band and its big lead åsinger who followed. Which was too bad, in actuality, because they too put on a solid show.




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