Dream Zone

Dream Zone with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I’m driving, and I cannot see anything in front of me. It is pitch black and very scary. My heart is beating fast, and I’m trying to see in front of me, and then I find myself going off a cliff, and then I suddenly wake up. I have had this dream several times a couple of weeks ago.

–Edwin, 45, Dallas, TX

Lauri: Driving your car often refers to how you are currently driving down your road of life or how you are handling a path you have chosen to take. You are unable to see in your dream, which means you are either turning a blind eye toward some issue in your life or you are feeling very uncertain of your future, of what lies before you. Going off the cliff is a horrible experience, isn’t it? But what it means is that you fear something in your life may be rapidly going in the wrong direction. Have you had a big letdown lately? The dream came to you more than once because the issue has not been resolved, and your inner dreaming mind is nagging you about it so that you can correct the situation. Do this, and the dream won’t come back.

Edwin replies: I had several interviews lately at my job, and every position that I interviewed for I did not get, but I feel as if I will not go any further with the company. My fear is failing and rejection, but I refuse to give in or up. Thank you for clarifying it for me.

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