
Peggy Plots Your Planets

You weekly horoscope for February 6

Las Vegas Weekly Horoscopes

Peggy Allison is the author of The Fundamentals of Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide for the Beginner. She is a professional astrologer who lives on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and prepares personal astrological charts. Contact her at 340-774-2932, 340-513-3755, or through her e-mail.


ARIES (March 20-April 18)

Expect delays for the next three weeks. Mercury, the messenger of the gods, starts moving backward today. Mercury retrograde. You may notice that traffic moves slowly. Folks may appear bullheaded while the moon visits Taurus for the next day or so. Tuesday is not the day to meet with folks in the financial world or discuss your finances. The sun squares off with Saturn. On Wednesday, Mercury travels to Aquarius. Good time to discuss new ideas with friends.


TAURUS (April 19-May 19)

I know the moon is in your sign. Your energy level is high. Mercury goes retrograde today and remains retrograde for the next three weeks. This is not the time to begin new projects. Expect delays. Take care of old business. Give yourself credit for what you accomplished over the past three months. You now have an opportunity to correct any mistakes. On Saturday, unexpected news could flow your way. Lost objects are often found when Mercury is retrograde.


GEMINI (May 20-June 19)

You are ruled by Mercury. Now chill out. Mercury goes retrograde today. Expect delays. This is not the time to begin anything new. Definitely not the time to sign new contracts. If you must, include a clause making it subject to change. Time to take care of old business. Correct any mistakes you may have made. Shop for bargains. Other folks make mistakes, too. Enjoy time with your brother air sign, Aquarius.


CANCER (June 20-July 21)

Do not meet with the folks in the financial world today. Mercury, the messenger, goes retrograde today. Give yourself credit for what you have accomplished over the past three months. Mercury goes retrograde every three months and remains retrograde for three weeks. Not the time to begin new projects. Wednesday is not the day to gamble.


LEO (July 22-August 21)

You love to party. Go ahead and spend some time with your Aquarius friends. Expect delays. Allow yourself a little extra time to reach your destination for the next few weeks. Mercury moves retrograde today, little kitty. Correct mistakes you may have made over the past three months. Do not launch any new projects during the next three weeks. Take care of old business. Lost objects are often found during retrograde.


VIRGO (August 22- September 21)

You love to detail and analyze. Go ahead. No need to be hard on yourself. Give yourself credit for what you have accomplished over the past three months while Mercury was direct. Today, Mercury, your ruling planet, goes retrograde. Expect your mail to be late. Take care of old business. Do not begin anything new. You have an opportunity to correct any mistakes you may have made. Cross the t’s and dot the i’s.


LIBRA (August 22- September 21)

Time to be patient. I realize, Mars is in your sign. Keep a smile on your face. Mercury, the communication planet, goes retrograde today. Mercury goes retrograde every three months for about three weeks. Expect delays. Notice what you have accomplished during that time. Wednesday is not the day to take a gamble. Do not discuss your values or your earned income. The sun squares Saturn.


SCORPIO (October 22- November 20)

Mercury goes retrograde today. You have the next three weeks to take care of business on the home front. Use some of that time to correct any mistakes you may have made. Give yourself credit for your accomplishments over that period. This is not a good time to begin anything new. On Wednesday, with Saturn in your sign and the sun on the home front, do not debate with family members.


SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 20)

Give yourself more time after Mercury, the messenger, goes retrograde today. Expect delays. Do not begin any new projects. You will have the next three months to put the final touches on your current projects. You will have a chance to correct mistakes. While Mercury is retrograde, other folks make mistakes. The lines at the post office and grocery store all appear to move slowly. On Wednesday, the sun squares off with Saturn Do not reveal any secrets


CAPRICORN (December 21-January 19)

Mercury, the messenger, goes retrograde today. You may feel like time slows down. Give yourself more time to reach your destination. You now have an opportunity to correct mistakes made over the past three months and put the final touches on your old projects. Search for bargains. Keep an eye on your finances. Check your bank account and credit cards. Other folks make mistakes while Mercury is retrograde. On Wednesday, do not share any new ideas.


AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18)

Write down your wishes and set your goals for the next year. Mercury, the messenger, moves retrograde today for the next three weeks. On Wednesday, Mercury will travel back to your sign, unique one. Mercury will remain in your sign for the next several weeks. Take care of old business. You have an opportunity to correct any mistakes made during the past three months.


PISCES (February 19-March 19)

Mercury goes retrograde today. Allow yourself a little extra time for travel. On Tuesday, do not share your knowledge while the sun squares off with Saturn. Do not be surprised if a lost object reappears. Lost objects are often found when Mercury is retrograde. Use the next three weeks to correct any mistakes and give yourself credit for whatever you accomplished over this past three months.

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