Irish eyes are… smiling?

Irish singer/songwriter David Hopkins recently relocated to Vegas.
Photo: Brenda Ernst

“Do you know when Autumn Owls go on?” David Hopkins asks me, and a minute later it hits me why. Hopkins, a recent Las Vegas transplant, hails from Dublin, Ireland. So do Autumn Owls. “Do you know them?” I ask, after consulting my schedule and informing Hopkins he still has some waiting to do before the Owls come up in the Beauty Bar’s Neon Reverb Night 1 order.

“No … at least, I don’t think so,” he responds. “I might know them when I see them. The music scene in Dublin isn’t that big, so maybe.”

A couple of hours later, as Autumn Owls are winning new fans with their sweeping low-to-high dynamics and inviting alt-rock melodies, I look for Hopkins to get his thoughts, but he’s nowhere to be found. A mutual acquaintance, The Petals’ Heidi Gunn, says she stood near him for part of the set and remembers him commenting, “They sound very Irish.” Hmm, wonder whether he meant it as a complement…

Photo of Spencer Patterson

Spencer Patterson

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