
How to (healthily) eat or drink your stress away


During stressful times, our conditioned reflex might be to reach for unhealthy foods laden with fat, sugar and salt. But while that bag of potato chips or pint of Ben & Jerry’s might offer fleeting comfort, in the long run, it can make you feel even worse. Instead, consider these stress-relieving alternatives.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is chock-full of antioxidants, which are believed to reduce stress-releasing hormones in the body. The trick to eating this treat? Find high-quality chocolate that doesn’t contain unnecessary ingredients like extra sugar or additives. Aim for a cocoa content of 70 percent or more, and remember that a little goes a long way.


Studies show that carbs can temporarily increase serotonin, a feel-good chemical in our brains. But not all carbs are created equal. Refrain from scarfing down the unrefined carbohydrates in cookies and cupcakes when you’re stressed—those will only cause your blood sugar to crash. Instead, reach for complex, nutrient-rich stuff like whole grain breads, fiber-rich pastas or sweet potatoes, known to help lower the stress hormone cortisol.


Ignore the haters who dismiss avocado toast as hipster food. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to reduce stress and anxiety, boost concentration and improve mood—and avocados are rich in them. Avocados also contain fiber, phytochemicals and other essential nutrients, which boost health overall. Spread it over whole-grain toast for a stress-busting snack anytime of day.

Fatty fish

Like avocados, fatty fish—including tuna, halibut, salmon, herring, mackerel and sardines—are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which are believed to ease symptoms of depression by interacting with mood-regulating molecules in our brains. Fatty fish is good for the heart, too. If fish doesn’t float your boat,

talk to your doctor about omega-3 supplements.

Citrus fruits

Vitamin C is believed to reduce stress levels, and now that summer is here, it’s easy enough to load up just by doing a quick tour around the produce aisle or the farmers market. Keep oranges and grapefruit front and center in the fruit bowl; their vibrant color is an instant mood booster, and they’re loaded with vitamin C. Strawberries are now in season, too, so snack on them when you’re feeling down.


Keep them within arm’s reach for a nutritious snack between meals. They’re full of vitamin B and magnesium, both of which are believed to be good stress-busters. They have lots of healthy fat, too. But a little goes a long way—a handful will satisfy the hunger pangs without breaking your calorie allotment for the day.


It’s all about the gut biome these days. Probiotics, or good gut bacteria, can help boost the immune system, improve digestion and aid in the absorption of nutrients. Science is learning more and more about the role a healthy gut plays in our moods; it appears good gut bacteria can produce molecules such as serotonin, which can improve one’s mood. Probiotics can be found in foods like yogurt, kimchi and kombucha.


If you need a little caffeine boost without the inevitable jitters brought on by coffee, this green tea powder will give you sustained energy throughout the day without causing you to crash. It’s also rich in flavonoids and L-theanine amino acid, which has stress-relieving properties. Buy a tin and make it at home with some almond milk and a little honey for an instant mood lift.


There’s nothing more comforting than a warm beverage. Herbal teas are good any time of the day, but chamomile and lavender, which are known to promote relaxation, are especially beneficial in the evening as you’re winding down. Both promote good sleep, too, so have a cup before you turn in and forget all about the day’s stress.

Warm milk

It’s not just an old wives’ tale; drinking warm milk before bed really can make you feel relaxed and sleepy. Studies show that calcium and vitamin D, both abundant in milk, help to stabilize mood and reduce depression. And, if you grew up drinking warm milk before bed, you’ll remember the comfort it gave you being taken care of by a parent. No matter your age, that feeling never gets old.

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Tags: Health, Food
Photo of Genevie Durano

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