Las Vegas

Richard Abowitz on Pop Culture

Lohan's Vegas future

Lindsay Lohan's arrest yesterday has raised all sorts of questions about her future in Hollywood. But I wonder what impact it will have on her future in Vegas.

Lohan was said to have wanted as much as $1 million to appear at a birthday party in Vegas when she turned 21. I doubt she got that much. But along with Britney Spears, she had been among the hottest properties on the Vegas club scene. When Pure scored her party, just imagine how much all the advertising with her name on it cost? Of course, Pure had to cancel the party during her earlier rehab excursion. Being naughty, of course, is not as big a crime in Vegas as being unreliable. But on the upside, as with Spears' assisted exit on New Year's Eve, Pure got more press from what happened than any club could have hoped to receive from an uneventful party that went off without a hitch. Besides, showing up at a nightclub requires a lot less reliability and investment than a movie. Anyway, there is probably a good deal of Vegas money for Lohan on the line, too. So, will Lindsay Lohan's arrest likely impact her future as a nightclub draw and star in Vegas? Pure had no comment when I asked, beyond wishing her the best. Light Group had no comment, and I still have not heard back from Tao.

My guess is that, for the foreseeable future, Lohan's career is dead in Vegas nightlife. After all, if she needs insurance to make movies, she can't party. As a clean non-drinker she won't be nearly as valuable to nightclubs as an icon for wild fun. And if she isn't making movies, she won't be as much of a celebrity draw for the nightclubs. Besides, all her issues ruin her for nightclubs in a more fundamental way, because more and more, she simply reminds people of all the things that can go wrong from too much partying. I think she is essentially done in Vegas, but I don't expect anyone to tell me that in the club scene. The ironic thing is since she only recently turned 21,  one of the most bankable names in the short history of the Vegas nightclub scene, may never have actually had a chance to bank a penny from a nightclub here.

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