The Linq welcomes locals with discount-heavy Bloq Party Tuesdays

The Linq
Photo: Christopher DeVargas

When a new casino or development arrives on the Strip, it’s not like you can stroll over with chocolate-chip cookies or a fresh-baked cherry pie and welcome it to the neighborhood. (Don’t feel too bad, it won’t lend you a cup of sugar or a spare egg, either.)

But the Linq is rolling out the welcome mat every Tuesday this summer with a Strip-style Bloq Party that’s all about getting to know the neighbors. Starting at 6 p.m. each week, the retail alley’s restaurants and shops offer discounts and deals, like 15 percent off your heavily accessorized wiener at Haute Doggery, half-priced tacos and two-for-one margaritas at Chayo Mexican Kitchen and 15 percent off that fedora calling your name at Goorin Bros. DJs play a “silent disco” (with visitors tuning in via headphones) at 9 p.m. at the fountains, and if you’ve been needing an excuse to climb aboard the High Roller, it’s half-off for locals all day Tuesday. Not having to attend neighborhood planning meetings for the Linq’s Bloq Party? Priceless.

Photo of Sarah Feldberg

Sarah Feldberg

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