As We See It

A quick guide to selfie stick etiquette

Whoa! Watch where you’re swinging that selfie stick.

Whoa, whoa, whoa—watch where you’re swinging that selfie stick. Though the telescoping smartphone pole is having a moment—during CES, dubbed 2015 “the year the selfie stick took over”—not everyone is keen on the shameless device. Museums like the MoMA in New York City and the Getty in LA were among the first to ban the accessories for fear that clumsy users might damage artwork, and sports stadiums have followed suit, arguing that the poles can be used as weapons. Las Vegas establishments haven’t taken a stance on the matter (Bellagio’s art gallery rarely allows photography, stick or no stick), but fans should still mind their manners. Bloggers agree—get out of the way and use the thing sparingly—and vendor reminds us not to confuse selfie for self-centered., however, leaves us with a golden rule: Never, ever make a phone call with the stick still attached. –

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